
Monday, September 29, 2008

Changes are coming

This is the last week that we'll meet at the summertime time. Meet one last time this year at 5:30 at the OLP rental location.

The speed work cycle we've been following brings us back to doing 1/4 mile repeats. And since almost everyone can handle it, lets plan on a 4 mile run. So a 1/2 warm-up and a 1/2 mile cooldown will leave room for 6 1/4 mile "on" portions. Plan your energy for 6! repeats and try to manage it so that your 5th one is your fastest of the session.

For those of you still learning how to do speed workouts -- if you are barely slowing down for the "off" portions, then either you aren't pushing enough during the "on"s, or you aren't relaxing enough during the "off"s. Someone just glancing at you should be able to tell that you significantly changed your speed and would think to themselves ("Hmmm, that person must be doing speedwork tonight".) If you need to, feel free to walk some during the off portions...but only if you need to, try to keep jogging slowly if you can. But, definitely go slow enough during the recovery cycle so that you have your breathing/heartrate back down enough to kick it back up during the next interval. The main idea is teach your body to stress itself and then recover quickly, then stress again... Once you get used to this and start effectively mixing in this workout technique it will make a big impact on your race pace.

FYI -- I keep forgetting to point this out and I've realized many of you don't understand the weblink for the TRY blog. It is a concatenation of the words "there is a try". So, if you've never realized it, that's all it is. The website is and the only tricky part to remember is the word "blogspot". Or, you can google "Tuesday Recreational Yogging" and the blog is the first thing that shows up. Hope that helps! Sorry that I didn't explain any of that earlier for those of you that have had trouble remembering how to get to the site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thereisatry? what's a reisatry?

oh come on, who could not figure that out?