
Sunday, October 5, 2008

And That's Not All That's Changing

There are some changes happening to the TRY organization as well:

I'm taking a temporary work assignment based out of San Diego, California. The rough plan is to leave in two weeks and to be based out there for about four months. (It could be slightly more, or it could be less). So, I'm down to two more weeks of organizing TRY for this fall and may not be back on a regular basis until March/April.

What does this mean to you? Not much, except you won't see me at any group runs until late winter. I'll still chime in remotely, I'm sure, and someone else is going to be organizing things.

Mark Fitzpatrick has graciously agreed to take over the TRY leadership responsibilities in my absence. So, after next week I'll turn the keys over to him and it'll be up to him on how he chooses to run TRY. (Blog? Emails again? Smoke signals? It's all on how he wants to handle things. You can give him your suggestions in the poll to the right.) I trust that you all will show him the same disrepect and apathy that you have always shown me! :-)

Thanks Mark for taking over...and good luck to the group with your remaining running goals for this fall.

For anyone that feels the need or want to say an extra goodbye to me -- the only thing I plan to do is to have a send-off post run dinner in two Tuesdays. (It will be at Tully's after the group run on the 14th.)

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