
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

TRY Drugs

No - don't try drugs! (We're drug free for life, remember?) I mean drug information related to TRY.

But first -- this weeks run. The main group run will be a 3 1/2 mile run with 1/2 mile intervals. Others can do whatever they heck they want to.

After hours activity -- since its getting to be that time of year, and some of us need to practice before our bowling league starts, I'm going to call a couple places and see if there is open bowling tonight at 7ish. So, whoever feels like bowling after running can go TRY bowling. I'll ask around tonight to see if anyone else is interested.

Drug use information:

This is the same information that I sent out last year, so you old timers don't need to read it, but this years TRY members will probably get something out of it.

If you are injured and taking drugs to help your injury heal -- you need to take ibuprofen because that is a NSAID…the key point being the "AI" or the "anti-inflamatory" portion. (Acetaminophen is a pain reliever only, it will not help with the healing of injury itself.) BUT, you shouldn't take ibuprofen before or immediately after LONG runs/races where hydration/dehydration is a concern. On those days, if you need something just for pain, you take acetaminophen. I've broken this rule myself and this might have been part of my problem during my first marathon a few years ago -- I took ibu that day. Ooops! I can find a conclusive answer on what makes a run long or not, but I'm assuming a 5K doesn't really matter, but 10K and up would start to…depending on how hot is out.

As runners, it's probably worth reading through the articles below if you don't already know this stuff…plus there are some other stuff mentioned about allergy meds and pepto type meds:

Runners world link pill primer:,7120,s6-241-286-289-7770-0,00.html

Runners world link strong medicine:,7120,ssss6-241-286--9214-4-1X2X3-4,00.html

More on the science behind the drugs you might take:


Katie said...

Unrelated to running post: anyone want to go apple picking on Sunday???

Anonymous said...

Katie, What time were you thinking of going?? And which orchard would you be going to?