
Monday, March 19, 2012

TRY Preseason Week 2

This week is all about the Goat. And me not writing much. The first week of the six week Mountain Goat Training Run series is this Saturday morning. There is no better way to get prepared for the Goat than to make most of these runs. And even if you don't plan to do the Goat, the training runs are a great kick-start to your spring running training. Each week gets at least one major hill in so its a high quality workout.

This year, they are charging to take part - $5 which covers all 6 weeks. So, print out the waiver, have it filled out, and turn it in ahead of time at Fleet Feet, or the morning before a training run. But, trust me, do yourself a favor and have it printed and filled out beforehand.

The details, waiver and suggested training plan can be found here.

For those who can only make a couple weeks - here is some insider information: Weeks 1, 2, 3, and 6 are on the first half of the course (running up Stolp). Week 4 and 5 are on the second half of the course (our good friend Colvin). (And week 5 actually features the full course if you want to do the whole thing.) So, if you can only make two weeks - pick one of 1, 2, 3, and 6 and one of 4 or 5. That way you have experienced both main portions of the course and will be prepared for what is in store for you on May 6th.

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