
Monday, October 17, 2011

Give Me a Break

Kelly needed a much deserved break, so you are stuck with Terry this week. See the entry below for the latest meaty subject - foam rolling.

For this week - a reminder that the TRY meet-up time has been moved up to 5:00. For those of you who can no longer make it: Sorry. But mother nature is a fickle mistress and we are running out of daylight.

The group work-out will either be 1/4 mile intervals or hill repeats at the 3/4 mile mark in the park. It can be decided during the pre-game chat as we meet up.

A special commendation to Lindsay who completed her first marathon on Sunday at the Empire State Marathon! Congratulations on the completion of months of dedicated training. An alley-cat told me that Albany-area-TRYer (and one of the Four Asian Tigers) Kerri completed a marathon this weekend as well. Congratulations to her on once again posting a Boston qualifying time.

Completing the Empire state half marathon were Centipediatrician Bob (Dr. Findacache) and the newest TRYer Steve. Congrats to you both for being half the men of Lindsay and Kerri! (While still being about four times the men that I am!)

Seriously though - congratulations to all of you who have completed your first, your longest or your fastest long races this fall. I hope you take some well deserved moments to revel in your accomplishments! :-) And if you need a break from all those long runs, think about doing some faster, shorter runs (and races). You'll barely notice them compared to your long runs and your marathons and half-marathons and you'll be bringing all that fitness with you...and may be in for a PR without much more than some quick speedwork touch ups.

And a last thought - the former Beaver Lake Bruegger's Bagel Halloween Run, now seems to be the AAA Halloween Run at Jamesville Beach? I assume it got moved for size reasons? It's on Sunday morning October 30th. Anyone want to run that in a group uniform of some sort? Could be fun? Comment or get a hold of me somehow if you are interested...we can figure something out. (Or can do individual costumes...or none at all...just a thought on making a race more fun.) Warning - it's a cross country course - not a road race.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I was lazy...what can I say?