
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween! / NOT a Shocker

Kelly is an overachiever and posted while on her post is now at the end of this one. Let me add some fluff to the top - since some of you like it fluffy.

Halloween weekend contained some shockers, but I would rather focus on the parts of it that were not shocking:

1) Tim and Lindsay throwing a great Halloween party. Thanks you two! For the generous sharing of your house with TRY and friends and the obvious huge amount of your time that you put into the decorations and the theme. I've been missing the heavenly harp music ever since. It was so tranquil!

2) Catherine (that crazy dare-devil) continuing her assault on every Syracuse area weekend race. This time she checked out the new location for the "AAA Halloween Run" at Jamesville Beach (which used to be the Brueggers Bagel Run at Beaver Lake Nature Center). They moved it to support the growing number of entrants but while Jamesville was more wide open, they definitely lost something in the switch. It wasn't as quaint. And was very muddy. So, it was a slow track that wasn't quite the same course as the Celiac 5k from two springs ago, although it used a lot of the same portions of the fields and trails. There were plenty of costumes, including a man in full pig attire (who did get a bit muddy just like everyone else) and some other fully committed costumes. So, it was still a fun event, just not as cute as it was at the cuter park that gets done up for Halloween.

3) Allyson continuing to be an expert, online fundraiser. In a time when it seems that requests on facebook don't get a lot of support, she threw out a quid pro quo offer that enticed the crowd. (Although one could argue that she would have gotten even better results if she offered more than baked goods?) Rumors from the walking event were that Allyson couldn't contain herself and broke into a run partway through. And the famously nutty Dunn sisters were the fourth largest team fundraiser for the entire event! Impressive.

4) Aaron and Kelly lighting it up in a frigid Marine Corp Marathon. Despite being harbingers of frost, they were primed for great performances at the marathon distance and they delivered. Aaron shaved close to an hour of his former PR and Kelly held off a late charge from him to beat him by a few minutes. (Her little running red woman was a bit too strong for his little running blue guy.) I'm not sure what Kelly's PR had been - so I'll await her comment - but I'm guessing it may have been a shared one with Aaron - in which case she took an hour off from that!

The point of #4 is that - if you put in the time that A & K have in your training and do as much speed work as they've done - good results and getting new PRs are not a shocker - they are expected. And while in a marathon anything can happen - it is great that ordinary happened - and that they both got what they deserved. Great job you two!

Final thought from Terry - I keep hearing more and more about lights on the lake running night. It's now just 2 more weeks away - and we'll be meeting at our normal time and place - 5 near the rental building. And then doing a relaxing jog at group pace (may need to split into two groups if we're too cumbersome) and attempt to do all 5 miles of a down and back. It's free! (But they do accept donations.)

Kelly's remote post (thanks Kelly for being a long distance overachiever!):

Happy halloween! I hope everyone had a fun and festive weekend. What costume did you wear this year?

Aaron and I both had good races at the Marine Corps marathon yesterday. Did anyone else race this weekend?

Aaron and I probably won't make it back in time to join you, but I recommend quarters as a goup to prep for those end of year 5ks. That would be a one mile warmup, 4 x quarter mile intervals with quarter rest in between (regroup after each quarter), and 1 mile cool down.

See you next week!

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