
Monday, August 22, 2011

Who's in?

Who's in for TRY this week?  I'm planning 6 x 0.25 miles.  Others will be doing various distances...feel free to join in with someone.  I hope to see everyone out there.

Congratulations to Sue for completing the Turning Stone half marathon and Adam for completing the Tromptown half marathon!

This is a short and sweet entry this week because I'm tired :)


Lindsay said...

Congrats on your half marathons! I won't be heading to TRY tonight. I ran 15 miles yesteday so it's probably wise for me to take today off. I'll be running intervals in spirit though....

Aaron said...

Does 15 miles on Sunday get us out of quarters too?

Adam Duerr said...

My cousin ran the half, not me.