
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

TRY Internet Stalking

Meet at the park. Chit-chat. Decide what you want to do. (I apologize but the disorganization continues.) Last week the diligent folks did 1/4 mile intervals, so after checking with them, we'll see if they are up for 1/2 mile intervals to give them a change.

More importantly:
It's (overdue) time for the "TRYers at the Boilermaker" internet stalking, made possible by the enablers at!

This year I attempted to grab the nicest photos though...nothing embarrassing except for mine. I think I got all the TRYers...if I missed someone let me know and I'll add them in.

Katie, leading the way and looking classy as always. (That is one fast woman!)

Kelly, looking almost peaceful. (That's just annoying, Kelly! Please exert yourself next year.)

Kerri. Either this will encourage her to make it to TRY or will scare her away...why don't people like stalkers? It takes a lot of dedication and commitment. Why isn't that more welcomed in society?

Scott got sick of hearing my cowbell for 7 miles and blew my doors in.

Mark. Well, this is understandable, because with a bib like that, you have to party like it's nineteen-ninety-nine. (This one cracked me up. Well done Mark.)

It's Terry and his bleeding nipple of power + 2. (Yeah, like anyone would want to guard that closely in a basketball game. That is how you create separation from the defense, right there.)

Gerega-ga being shy for once. Not one close-up that showed up on his default page. And I'm waaaay to lazy to look through thousands and thousands of photos to find any others in the lost and found. (Just noticed while proofreading, that the lead guy is one of those crazy barefoot runners. I've read some articles and I could understand that humans are intended to run that way, so maybe it is better. But how can you run down random roads like that...seems like you step on something sharp/painful several times along the way.)

And Christine. Hasn't been around TRY for a long time, but she's at the park some and does do stuff with friend of TRY Patricia's group.


Aubrey said...

Leroy and I will be making an appearance tonight :)

Aaron said...

Not sure I am up for intervals tonight. Did something funny to my hammy and I am going to blame last Tuesdays overachieving intervals :)

Scott said...

it wasn't so much that i was sick of the cowbell .. right around that 7 mile mark i had someone in front of me that gave me a lot of motivation to keep up :-)