
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

End of August Flurry

Tonight is the same as always this summer: choose your own adventure run.

Some upcoming "events" in chronological order:
Tonight- Katie has requested we go to Tully's on 7th North Street for a rare post TRY outing. Since Katie has been on the DL for a while there is nothing that will brighten her day more than eating with some sweaty runners! And tonight is a fund raising night, so a portion of the bill will go to a charity - her church, I believe. :-) For the non-runners amongst us, plan on meeting at Tully's at 6:40.

Saturday- A new, unique local race. Join me and almost TRYer Kerri at the Manlius Mile. It's a mile race, starting at 9:30 on Saturday morning. (Registration is earlier.) Looks like it is about half on roads and about half on a "trail" that I can't imagine being very trail like...but maybe? Since I'm out of shape, I'm tempted to do this, because how hard can it be to race for a mile? It's cheap (relative to 'normal' races) at $12/$15 and all proceeds go to charity in memory of a local runner. I suppose its expensive on a per mile basis but "High quality" t-shirts are given to all registered runners! For LMCO runners, this is a Federated Fund supported event, so you doing this will mean another $25 going to the charity. So, free money! (Kind of.)

Next Wednesday - TRY night at the Fair. There are some interesting free concerts at the fair again this year, but none more interesting (to me) than Lady Antebellum. Wednesday, September 1st, join me in what could go down as the most people ever "attending" a free concert at Chevy Court. Supposedly there is no show at the grandstand that night and with the popularity of "Lady A" in both the country and pop circles, it could be a packed house. For you men who have no interest in country music, think of it this way -- tons and tons of horny women thinking overly romantic thoughts and drinking wine slushies. How can that be a bad thing?

I suppose I would like to know if I should expect to see you at Manlius Mile on Saturday or the TRY night at the fair next Wednesday. (That is, let me know if you will be there, no need to let me know if you will not be there.) We can figure out where to meet once I know who to expect.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

No can do on the mile this weekend but I will be slumming around the fair next Wednesday. Text me if you get bored. I'll certainly be at the free concert.