
Monday, October 13, 2008

October 14th

I'm sick and tired so I'll keep this brief.

Meeting at 5:00 at the typical place at OLP. I'm suggesting an interval run that I haven't had the group do before -- whole mile repeats. It seems like that will fit nicely into our rotation of different speed workouts that we do.

Within a four mile run it'll have to be something like this -

1/2 mile warmup
1 mile hard
1/2 mile recovery
1 mile hard
1/2 mile recovery
1/4 mile hard (if you feel like it, just to see how warmed up you are)
1/4 mile cool down

So, plan for a 4 mile run with 2, one mile hard portions in the midst of it.

Remember, this is my last week with TRY for now. If you feel like going out for dinner or drinks afterwards some people will be going to Tully's on 7th north street.


Anonymous said...


of course you will be missed! At least for your fudge and such. I will miss you immensely and pine for your return every day. I hope that everything goes great in San Diego! CU tonight!


Anonymous said...

How can I miss you, if you won't go away.

Anonymous said...

San Diego....what does that stand for again?

Anonymous said...

Kris will Pine for, but will she Redwood for you? ;) Maybe we'll just tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree.

Anonymous said...

who else thinks anonymous sounded a lot like ron on that last comment?

DOOOOOOON'T GOOOOOOO! You can't leave us Terry! Seriously I am going to miss not being the most emotionally handicapped person in TRY...and for indignation purposes just ignore that I'm not really an active member anymore.
Um Mark's okay and all but shouldn't we have gotten to vote on the new leader? Is TRY not a democracy? I think we should have had a couple of debates and an election party at least in the spirit of the season. TRY is not very fair and balanced.

Ania w Kuchni said...

Oh Terry, everybody's gonna miss ya, THO and all!! ;) Good luck in sunny Cali.....I am sure you will have much better running weather over there in the next couple weeks!! Good luck, have fun, and stay away from San Francisco ........:)