
Monday, October 5, 2015

Fame and Glory

Fall is upon us, but it seems like nice fall weather will greet us this week. Believe it or not, our countdown to the end of TRY will start soon, but for now, same place and time and no worries about closed bathrooms.

I posted this on "regular" Facebook but I'll share it here as well for posterity sake. "Band on the Run" was anonymously featured right at the beginning of the Fleet Feet newsletter this week. I almost spit out my pizza bagel when I clicked on the email! TRYers have had many brushes with fame, but I believe this is the first time we have been prominently featured in the FF email? I think Stevil's triumphant fist raise and his Beiber 'keytar' was the secret to this photo being chosen.

Here is the link to the "Ed's Blog" portion that included our glamour shot. And here is the screen capture of the newsletter portion itself. (Note that we are not named or anything...but I think it's even more fun that way. Like who the hell are these people?!)

Lastly, I did things a bit differently this time and put Duerr's definitive Adirondack Ragnar Relay story into its own page. This way it is much easier for him to share with family and friends and he does not need to worry whether I talked about erect nipples in the weekly blog post and who will have to read about that before getting to his part with the story in it.

So, please take the time to read Duerr's Ragnar story. (I promise it's a real link to the actual story.) I think you'll find it informative, educational, and maybe even inspirational? A big thank you to Adam for writing this up so quickly and for sharing his inside view of the event. Thanks!

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