
Monday, July 13, 2015

Off Week

TRY is NOT meeting at OLP this week! We will be back to the park next week and through til the middle of November.

For one week, instead, it's the traditional celebration after the Utica Boilermaker week, this year being generously hosted at Chez Berman on Onondaga Hill. Hopefully all of you know this, if not, please check out the Facebook event for details. (If you care and it's not viewable for you, please let me know.) Join us as we "flush away the BM":

For anybody learning about this for the first time, you can still join in, just let me know to expect you and I'll make sure Berms' knows then too. We've had some cancellations so there should be plenty of food to go round if some people were caught by surprise.

There are a lot of picture updates coming. Tons of fun Paige's Butterfly Run photos taken by the event photographers and from our multi-talented band-on-the-run member Steve S. In an embarrassment of riches, I've been putting off posting them because I know it is going to take a couple hours just to collate them and get them put together nicely.

From the Boilermaker we have the traditional finish line area shots of Team Beefers already available through their links but I'll grab them and make an album just for us as well. Then within a couple days the event photos will be available.

With that in mind, I'm ending this post now and will promise all sorts of photo fun "soon". The exact version of soon will depend on my whim.

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