
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Hot One

It is supposed to be a hot one today, at least for this year, so it's just in time to help us acclimate a little in case the Boilermaker ends up being on a warm day. (Forecast for Sunday right now is looking reasonable though.)

Tonight we will do the normal place and time for TRY. It sounds like Duerr has a hall-pass so watch out, Liverpool!

Next week we will do our traditional post Boilermaker fun night and NOT be at the park. Please help remind me to announce it tonight for the fringe TRYers who don't read the posts because they usually aren't relevant for them.

We have a couple first time Boilermaker runners in our midst this year, plus my sister needs some guidance so I'm going to clean up the "TRY Boilermaker Parking and Event Meetup Guide" and post that in the next day or two. (I have to double check things by reading through what the actual Boilermaker is telling us to do this year for packet pick-up.)

Next week heads up: We'll be meeting at Berms' parents house. Since it's a further drive for almost everyone, you'll have the option of arriving starting at 5, with the group-ish run starting at 6. They have lovely grounds and a nice in-ground pool, so it'll be a pool night afterwards for anyone that wants a refreshing dip and perhaps there will be lawn games? Early arrivals could do the pool while they wait for the run time as well? I'll post again next week and ask for a rough head count so the amount of food can be planned out.

For drink: Beer and beverages will be provided and anyone attempting to bring in more will be shot on sight. Seriously, don't even start in with the Bermans about the New York Safe will not end well for you. (They both have the words to the second amendment and various gun tattoos!)  You can bring a post run sports drink if you need to, but anything else is all set.

For food: Burgers and hot dogs and buns will be provided. We are asking that others help with sides or desserts. You can chime in on next weeks post with specifics to avoid repeats. Please note that not everyone has to bring something - so don't feel obligated. If a few people do stuff there should be enough and I know it can be hard to have certain things when coming to a gathering right after work. The point is to come out and have fun!

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