
Monday, September 19, 2011

Out of Topics

I can't think of anything to write about today...surprised?  Not really for me!  Terry wrote another post (includes meat sweats).  Make sure to check it out.

This week we have Erin/Escalade and Terry doing the Teal Ribbon Run on Sunday.  Is there anyone else with races coming up?

This week Aaron and I will be doing a 5 tempo run since we have a 20 miler coming up this weekend.  That will be 1 mile easy, 3 miles at a faster pace, and 1 mile cool down.  I would guess Erin T., Adam, and others will be up for 0.25 mile repeats.  I would recommend 6 of those bad boys :)

See you out there at 5:30 as usual!


Tbone said...

Jacob, Catherine, and Sue will all be there (and will all be running?) the Teal Ribbon thing.

I don't think anyone I know is doing the stilleto dash though. :-(

Kelly and Tiffster - it's a very short run, throw on some heals and you can probably win a really fun prize!

Tbone said...

Hmmmm. Seeing it in writing - that would most likely be "heels" and not "heals". But after running in heels, you may need to be close enough?