
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I Don't Have Much To Say

Just like Pedro Sanchez, there are times where the words just don't come to me. So, follow your heart, that is what he always did. (Also, Summer Wheatley can suck it!)

I was too lazy to go grab the brightroom boilermaker photos or get screen caps of the finish line cameras yet...but all those things are out there for the internet stalkers amongst us. Have at it.

For tonight, it's back to regular training as we are 7-8 weeks away from some of those early September half marathons and low double digit weeks away from those early October marathons. Where does the year go? I don't really want to train for any of those do I? Actually, that's just the summer doldrums talking...of course I (and you!) want to train for those fun, fall runs. Think of the crisper air, the easier breathing, and running without sweating through your clothing. Put in the work now so that you are ready to excel when the autumn curtain falls.

Due to a slightly messed up ear and head I think I am stuck doing a slow and steady run tonight. We'll talk amongst ourselves to see who is up for something more aggressive and group up accordingly.

Normal time and normal place: 5:30 at the Liverpool park.

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