
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Oh MG!

Mid 60s and some sun at TRY time. Ideal conditions to join Aaron in some interval training. See his Facebook post for his suggestions.

I'll be absent, of course, this time while marveling at the train wreck that is youth sports. If I don't convince the coach tonight that my son should be the first ever person to pitch during a teeball baseball game then clearly it is the coaches fault and he will never see my sons greatness like I do and I'll petition the league commissioner to get him fired.

Here is the colorful follow up to the Mountain Goat run from a couple weekends ago. Hopefully I found everyone (with exceptions like Doug and Janna who I don't feel are still TRYing). If Lisa thought she could obscure her bib to the point of not being found, then clearly she should not have attempted to sprint in Brett B from Geneva, NY. (The lesson is that I WILL FIND YOU, LISA!)

Lots of smiles, thumbs-ups, and waves. Well done, you crazy kids!

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