
Monday, July 25, 2016

Dual Endings

This week the forecast is for low 80s and sun at TRY time.

Nothing to do with running, but everything to do with time. Somehow, a simple coincidence of life has aligned itself that two TRYers have lost grandmothers this past week. A-jax and Malinda lost grandmothers just three days apart. I do not read anything into this unfortunate coincidence, but it does serve as a reminder that life is fleeting, our peak years pass all too quickly and that time remains undefeated. Surround yourself with people and activities that bring energy and joy into your life and shed those people and things that do not.

The official race photos are getting less and less fun to screen capture, so I'm just going to include the free to share Team Beef finish area photos from the Boilermaker.

A lot going on here...strollers? With something other than just kids in them? (Anyone have any insight into that?)

A veteran.

A veteran.

A rookie. (Who is such a dedicated mother that she expressed milk along the way and carried it with her to take home for the afternoon feeding. Impressive!)

The last of our TRY herd.

And I was stopped randomly while throwing away some trash at the after party. Not sure where this was posted but Team Beef found it.

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