Here are's official details about the CC timing and parking information. Several TRYers should be running in the event and we typically have the non-participants who are willing and able to - meet up and cheer them on at about the 1/4 mile mark. If you can meet around 5ish, it is even possible to run along the regular park route. (The biggest issue is parking in town somewhere and getting into the park on foot.) Let me know if you want to do the pre-CC jog this year at 5ish. (Although there could be an issue for me and the boys since I cannot be out there if it is raining/storming. But I can still help coordinate those that will be there in a light rain.)
Loose ends:
It was all over Facebook but to make it blog official, the TRY centipede team once again captured the Paige's trophy for this years fastest centipede team. Congratulations to first time 'pede member Matt and first time 'pede champions Stevil and Grande Blanco! Team "Run For Your Lifeguard!" turned a rogue shark attack into something to celebrate. Thank goodness for gauze pads and quick whistles!

As an interesting aside, my 20 year old nephew saw the trophy and after saying what it was for, he asked incredulously: "You made a human centipede?!" Let's just say that the movies on the subject were the first thing to come to his mind. But at least he seemed really impressed we could run a 5k like that!
Hey Duerr, this paragraph is sort of running related!
On the successful heals of me pointing out that high altitude training masks would start to be seen around normal workout places and the not-so-successful prediction that Prancercise would become a a thing. I have stumbled across the next big thing in working out:
(Has anyone watched the movie "Her"? That is what this made me think of.) It is a kickstarter project that gives a glimpse of what our workouts of the future could look (sound) like. It is called Vi and if you do not instantly think of "vee eye" the text editor, then I don't want you on my next agile programming team...but they pronounce it just "vee". If anyone can get through the video without wanting to take Vee and throw her off the nearest cliff than you are a better person than I am. Let's do another hill? I don't think so be-otch! Do the eff-in hill yourself...and if you call me "Champ" one more time I am going to turn you into a retro game console you stuck up little piece of AI. (Just kidding! I would be in love with her within about 10 minutes and would probably never need to talk to my first wife again. Which is where the reminders of the movie "Her" came in. Workout sounds a bit more useful than that!)
For Malinda's Canal run last week I used my only good erie canal jokes...and then stumbled upon a Bruce Springsteen version of the song that has someone stuck in my head for 30-some years. Why did Bruce sing this song? (I put it in a comment last week, but wanted it here for everyone to have a chance to hear. It also has the lyrics, so it is instructional to boot.) By the way, there are two versions of the lyrics - I had learned "15 miles on the erie canal" which is what Bruce sings here, but there is also an accepted (and earlier?) version that says "15 years...".
From touching on the "Wrong Hole" video again, I decided that the woman was worth looking up. It turns out she is some sort of internet/youtube celebrity and made not one, but TWO (that I found) other videos as follow ups to the break-out hit. These definitely cross way over the NSFW threshold, so save these for an appropriate place and time. It turns out that "Wrong" rubs a part of our community the wrong way, and this video does have a point...a hole is just a hole. Why label it?
And here is her version of the story. Nothing ground breaking here, but serves as an excellent spoof of the original...and when your well being depends on number of video views, milk one of your most popular video for all you can! Three years later? Starting to lose your viewers? Go "tap that well" one last time! If you are unfamiliar, be sure to go back that first one (linked above) because this one is not meant to stand on its own. You have to admit that the chorus is rather pretty, though.
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