
Monday, April 25, 2016

Gone South

This week's forecast is for low 80s and sunny at TRY time.

Wait, wrong location! (Never let it be said that my first wife was not a very giving person!) This week's forecast is for mid 40s and cloudy at TRY time. That seems a lot more realistic! (Albeit a bit chilly for almost May.)

Several TRYers are on the final ramp up to the Mountain Goat run this Sunday morning. The extended forecast calls for perfect spring temperatures for an enjoyable race. Low 60s overall, so probably mid 50s at race time. The only thing yelling "May-day!" on Sunday should be your old PR. Choose wisely on your taper (or not) this week and go on out on Sunday and get your GOAT on! I have not fully planned my weekend, but listen for a familiar ring as you run through Onondaga Park near mile 4, just in case.

I'm experiencing issues with sketchy hotel wifi, but I'm pushing through for your sake.

I'd like to take a detour here and push for a special event for one of my "friends". OK, not exactly a friend but a singer that I like to push for once in a while because I think she is so cool and definitely very talented - Caroline Kole. She does primarily country music by trade, but in concert she mixes in some pop and oldies and does a great job with everything she sings. Oh, and she still is a teenager!

So...who would want to see a national recording act that has had a couple videos get played on CMT and in person for 7 bucks? It's at an old theater made new in Pulaski where they put on fancy weddings and other modern events. Riverside setting, two bars, and a very intimate showroom with GA seating. My first wife and I saw her there last year and were blown away. Front row seats and probably the second best concert experience of my life. (I may never top meeting that is number one.) Anyway - if you like country music, live music, or just talented people giving it their all, then I highly recommend coming to see this show. (Let me know if you are interested in being part of a group outing that night.)

The concert is Friday night, July 8th, and is currently $7 to buy tickets. (Goes up to $10 next week through event night.) You do not need to pre-buy, but I do want to get a group together to go out and support my girl.

Here are some telling videos of hers.
Her biggest "hit". Straight modern country pop:

And a very interesting mashup of a Kelly Clarkson song and Frozen:

And lastly, a song I do not like as much (not familiar with the original) but shows how she can get away from country and put on an impressive vocal performance making a song her own:

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