
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

That's A Wrap

Tonight is the final Tuesday of the running season at OLP. Meet at 5 for a 5:05 start. Something I forgot and forgot to mention last week - a light or flashy light is not a bad idea since it will be dark by the time you finish. As with last week - we are shattering weather records for the warmest ending of a TRY season! Lucky. Due to darkness the post run cool down walk is cancelled again. Please just safely finish with your group and get safely to your cars.

From the informal survey and responses, it would seem that a Wednesday night group run under the Lights on the Lake is not happening. So, consider this a friendly reminder that both Wednesday night and Thursday nights are available from 5 - 9 PM to get out there on foot and take in the lights at your leisure. Thursday night is dog night, so you'll have some extra obstacles then but still should be plenty suitable to a walk or jog. Just remember to be extra polite either night if you jog - as that is not what the night is intended for. Give the walkers and the dogs right of way.

The Jingle Bell Run is coming up on Saturday, November 22nd. You can save yourself 5 bucks by registering at Fleet Feet the day before. Rumblings say that at least a couple TRYers will be involved again this year as part of our festive tradition.

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