
Monday, April 14, 2014

Ball Me, Blazer.

What a week we've had!  Last Tuesday, one indifferent dog, four brave men, and one even braver and very lucky lady did the TRY workout in somewhat non-ideal conditions.  But, as typically happens (9 times out of 10?) the weather broke just so and the conditions during the run were much better than it could have been.  We really seem to get lucky on how rain and thunderstorms hit and very seldom are in the worst of it on Tuesday at 5:30.

That said, tomorrow's forecast is anything but ideal and attendance is always optional, so if you do not want to be out in almost winter like conditions, save it for another week.  Some cray-cray's will always show up, so, if you are brave or a cray-cray yourself, you can attempt to weather the weather.

I'm not inspired this week since it's winter again, so nothing controversial after last weeks scandalous ending...

Jill has passed along an invitation from the "Syracuse Silver Knights Foundation" for a fund raising dodgeball tournament event in late May.  If Sue was still around I'd make her help me organize a viewing of the "Dodgeball (A True Underdog Story)" movie so that we could all brush up on the 5 D's of Dodgeball and prepare properly for this event.  But Sue left us.  So, F-U Sue!  #suebrokeupthedreamteam

Here is a screen capture of the event flyer:

Key takeaways - It's the morning of May 24th at Jones Road.  Minimum 1 female to start each game.  Double elimination, with three game series for each game.  $200 per team, with a minimum of 6 and maximum of 10 players.  Jill thought TRY would be just the type of group that would be interested in such a thing?  Was she right?  Are we more "Average Joe's" or "Globogym"?  (And no, blind people are probably not allowed to play.  Nice attempt though, Escalade.  :-(

Lastly a link that my lovely wife (my first wife, that is), stumbled across.  I know I failed in my prediction post last summer when I forecasted both "cup free racing" and "Prancercising" in this post...if you haven't seen the prancersize video go there now and read the last paragraph.  BUT, I am confident that this time my prediction is on point.  These masks that simulate elevation training are going to take over the fitness world.  How could they not?  Who would not want a higher quality workout in shorter time.  Jake - have these shown up in local cross fit circles yet?

It is not letting me embed it directly and it's too late for me to figure out why, so I'll just provide the link to the video.  It's only 31 seconds, so you have the time.

Of course, the bad news to this is that everyone will look like Bane from the last Batman movie.  Who knew he was such a trendsetter?  (Let's hope this makes people sound like him too.)

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