This week is the first of two that we will be meeting at 5 PM and starting the run at 5:05 sharp. Since we lost an hour but are only changing our start time by half an hour, it'll be pushing darkness as we finish. I expect a somewhat smaller crowd, so we'll do a simple poll to see if people want to continue intervals and what length to do. The forecast for Tuesday looks nice actually, so no worries about a cold November rain for this week. For some of you who don't usually go out, plan a little time to help celebrate Malinda's new job.
Check out last week's post if you haven't or look at the TRY calendar to see the plan for the rest of the month.
Here are some more takeaways and thoughts of the almost completed TRY season. Thanks again for your inputs! They've entertained me, at least. I added a few comments in the square brackets.
"It may sound cliche, but I enjoyed running with a group as I am always more likely to run with someone than on my own. Also, there was always someone running at my pace."
"That time that Jake rescued the little girl from the big tree and then Malinda helped her find her family at the playground." [Maybe he really is 'Jake, from State Farm'?]
"Terry twerking at the the NY state fair and being photo bombed when taking a picture to send to Sue." [I've seen no photographic proof, so I'm not sure it happened.]
"The fair night had some funny moments and ended up with the group at a picnic table and some people eating hot beef sundaes while others were eating pints of ice cream. It was very random. Then everyone enjoyed that epic live version of 'Hey There Delilah'." [Except Berman, what is wrong with her not enjoying a nice song about stalking and not taking no for an answer?]
"Yay to going out after TRY becoming the norm!"
"Half shells and bunnie tails! :)"
"The centipede division costumes at Paige's Butterfly Run!" [Anything that gives me an excuse to post this photo is a win in my book:
Happy Birthday Energizer Bunny!]
[And this one fits in here, so I'll add - all the press that TRYers got this year. Escalade hit the papers multiple times like she always does, plus a random one like Kelly and Malinda being the photo of the day during Paige's weekend.]
"What does the fox say...need I say more?"
"Not anonymous but thanks to the TRY group i not only found the interest to participate in my first 1/2 marathon but loved it and now I'm hooked!" [Hooked like a sea bass.]
[A couple key regulars were missing, but the post Boilermaker party meet-up was special, as always.]
"It would be helpful if the weekly posts were put up on a more consistent schedule." [As a reminder, this is not a professional organization.]
"I know I wouldn't have been out there if it weren't for you peeps and homeys. Thanks for the inspiration . . . and also the occasional twisted, yet thought provoking, topics of discussion."
[Team Beef!]
"I love how everyone makes the point to do Angela's Triangle after the workout." [It's officially spelled "Angela's TRYangle"]
"I'm glad my biggest takeaway from TRY this year is not the same as Catherine's (a baby)."
[And a final one from me - a yearly takeaway almost every year is the more random happenings around the TRY group - the solid turnout for the baseball game and fireworks night in August, and the support the group shows for other peoples races. Like the cowbell crew that showed up to cheer on the Chase Corporate Challenge and the smaller turnouts that cheered on other events like the Iron Girl. It would seem that TRY has a good heart.]
Change of topics:
As a reward for continuing to read this, here is an informative article on how to plan around fatigue while doing your running plans or running while fatigued so that you can gain from it. Certainly some useful points in there and once again the point about running your slow runs slowly enough is brought up. (Which really is a way to say that speed differentiation in your training is key.)
And some randomness to end on to partially help everyone (but mostly new people) understand my obsession with beaver stuff. Since I've been spending a lot of time "up north" in the Croghan and Beaver Falls area lately, I've been hearing stuff about the school and interacting directly with the school more. While watching a cross-country meet I was sightseeing on the trails and came across this lovely rock. My nephew who is currently on the school team was busy doing his thing so he was not available to represent the "present" part of the layout. So here was my attempt at showing the "past" and the "future":
(The rock says "Beaver River Cross Country" "A commitment to excellence" "Past Present Future".) This also explains why my personal motto is Terry "Commitment to Excellence" Widrick.
""I was really surprised when it went in. I thought I was going to cry. I was really excited.""
"The Lady Beavers haven't surrendered a goal in three games."
""We got hot at the right time," said Tracy Adams, the other Beaver River coach." [She just happens to have graduated the same year I did. There will be no living with her after this famous turn.]
It works out really well for me that Beaver River and SU both have orange as their main color:
Speaking of orange, time for this post to ride off into the sunset.
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