
Tuesday, October 30, 2012


To save her from the wrath of the entire northeastern United States, they called this hurricane "Sandy", but we all know better.  This had been in the works ever since #suebrokethejeter.

I've been waiting out the forecasts and hoping to decide that TRY could go on.  And, honestly, it doesn't look like it will be THAT bad at TRY time, but due to winds expected at 20 mph or more and rain likely, I am going to cancel TRY.  It will fall under the clause of "why bother".  It's not going to make for even decent running weather, so instead of forcing something, I'm asking you all to take the night off.

This will set up the following couple weeks:
Next week, November 6th, TRY will start at 5 PM.  (Time changes this weekend, so it will actually be finishing in the dark.)
The following week, November 13th, we will run through Lights on the Lake (at a group run pace), starting at 5:30.  Plan for a 5 mile, group paced run.
That same week, on Wednesday, November 14th, we will WALK through Lights on the Lake.  This will give people that can't handle the five mile run on Tuesday night a chance to experience the lights.  (Note that this is the dog night.)
Both of those nights, we will meet in roughly the same place we always do.

I have heard nothing back on people interested in doing the Buffalo Tough Mudder with TRY next year.  So, I can only assume that there is no interest.  There will be chances to sign up later, but if know you are interested, it would be ideal to sign up this fall instead of next spring.

To provide some useful content to you all, here are three interesting articles from Runner's World that have come across my twitter feed in the past week.
An interesting discussion on making multiple race goals so that you are more likely to finish happy.
Not as useful as the other two, but a short discussion on how to handle portions of a race where you find yourself running solo.
Finally, a discussion on breaking some age old running rules.  There is stuff in here for beginners and advanced runners.  I am having trouble advocating some of them, so I'll just leave it to you to read and decide for yourself.

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