
Monday, September 10, 2012

Do People Even Read These?

From looking at the site metrics, I can see a couple dozen page views per week...but at least a few of those could be me proofreading and double checking the links from the places I post the entry.  So, I really don't know if more than about five people skim the entry every week.  So, that and the fact that I've been distracted again, lead to posts like this.  A bit of everything to see who is paying attention.  And rude and scandalous enough that at least one person will feel the need to comment, if only to chastise me:

This week's workout:
Whatever you want to do.  Seriously.  The rain scared most of the people away last week.  Plus the beginners all bailed.  And I was sick and did not even make it myself.  If any of the "new to interval" group makes it, go for 1/2 mile intervals.  I will not actually be there for the run portion...  I'll be there to start things and will sort of lead up the warm-up like I have been, and then I have to leave and go to a class just as the rest of you will start to run.  The class?  Breastfeeding!  I had no idea that they taught you about this?!  37 years ago, I have to be honest, I just was winging it and I had no idea what to do with a boob in my face.  How did I handle it back then?  I sucked.  No, really.  This time, I'm going to have been taught by the best and study my heart out and will make sure that I make the most of this second chance that I never expected to get!  Got milk?

Other topics:

Do you like ovaries?  I know that I love all three of mine!  Over easy.  Did you know that September is Ovarian Cancer awareness month?  And that Escalade has invited us all to join her team in the Hope For Heather 5k in a couple weekends?  You still have a day or two to sign up at the early reduced rate and guarantee yourself a shirt.  This link leads you directly to the registration page to join Escalade's "Head over Heals for Teal" team.  Last year, it was her "first" 5k.  Her lead cows helped her get almost everything she could out of her conditioning, so I know it was a very honest time.   This year, if I didn't blow out her knee last night, she is all set to obliterate that time.  (I don't want to put too much pressure on her, so I'll keep our goals private.)  It will be great to see what someone new to running, and working hard and smart at their training, can gain in a years time.  For more information on the event itself, go to the main website.  There is a stiletto dash.  And the 5k encourages running or walking.  So, there is something for everyone who enjoys a good ovary.  Speaking of which...GAME OVARIES!  

Do you remember me asking about going to check out the Greek Peak Outdoor Adventure Center many moons ago?  Well, the time has finally come.  Saturday, September 22nd, we'll be going down there to do the low and high ropes course, a couple zip lines and perhaps a couple of the other random activities that the place has to offer.  We have an inside connection, so expect a VIP tour.  Let me know if you want in and details will be coming out to those who want in.  (Expect a midday arrival down there, to allow for morning long runs, and to get back to Syracuse by late afternoon.)

And a tease:
Have you always wanted to be a philanthropist but didn't have the extra millions laying around to make it happen?  Well, that is what the CNY Future Fund is all about.  It's a circle of giving organization, that uses the power of many small contributions to make a big impact.  I've been a member for a year and now I plan to take a more active role, which includes recruiting you.  That's right, you.  Details will be coming in a future week.  For now, think if you would like to learn how to be a philanthropist and join in with other like-minded neighbors, to help decide what local non-profit gets a good size grant from the Future Fund next spring.  If we don't care about the future, will the future care about us?  Why don't you give it a try for a year and see if you enjoy it?

And a very pointed test for one particular person:
I just got the CTMH stamp set for the "When the fluff are you going to stop scheduling workshops, and instead, actually show up at TRY on a Tuesday night?" kit.  I look forward to sharing it with you.  ;-)


Tbone said...

The playing field has just been leveled. Game on, ladies.

AA said...

Did I pass the test??? I promise to make an appearance in 2012 to a TRY event. Thanks for the shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!