Red wine may help you lose weight! (Drink up, me hardies! Or as I like to say it: drink up, me hotties!)
Stretches and exercises you can do at the office. (Since most of us have jobs that have us sitting all day.)
Tips on how to plan a perfect running week. This is short, with the key paragraph:
Your ideal week will include a longer run to build endurance, a hilly run to improve your strength, and a scenic or social run that regularly injects some fun into your routine and keeps you coming back for more. Include a speed workout only if your goal is to run faster.
I keep seeing article like this - stretching isn't what I used to be told it is. How and when should you stretch? With a mention of why we do our mile warmup: Beginning a regular run by just taking off at a slow easy pace is actually "stretching" or warming up your body and getting it ready for your harder pace later in the run.
And this one isn't relevant for most of the people who will read this, but perhaps you could pass this along to a friend who has asked you how they can get into running. 10 tips for beginners. A couple good ones in there - "Get a group" (Check!) and "Get rest" (I'm a big fan of rest right now. Check!)
And this one isn't relevant for most of the people who will read this, but perhaps you could pass this along to a friend who has asked you how they can get into running. 10 tips for beginners. A couple good ones in there - "Get a group" (Check!) and "Get rest" (I'm a big fan of rest right now. Check!)
That's it...hopefully everyone has something they can take away from this latest round of meat.
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