Today (Monday) is the last day to register for the Allyson Dunn Tire Mountain Goat at the regular rate.
I have added subscription links to the sidebar so that you can receive the blog via an RSS feed.
Don't forget that TRY has a facebook page. I added some group photos from the past couple years. Please add your own to make the page seem a little more homey for everyone. (Let me know if you want to be added -- I can't remember if it is invite only or not.)
The previous blog post described a fun race that I hope a lot of you can join in on. The "Making Tracks for Celiacs" 5K run/1 mile walk.
It's Patriots Day in Boston. Which means that Katie is running her Boston Marathon. I've signed up for the text messages Katie...looking forward to them interrupting my work day.
For you beginners reading this. We meet here. At mile marker 0.0 at Onondaga Lake Park.
I plan on going out to the Retreat or Tully's this week after the training run to celebrate a dream coming true - You can go your separate ways or you can join in faithfully. Everyone will be welcomed with open arms. Be good to yourself!
The group run: (As if anyone is still reading this scatterbrained list). It's time to lengthen out our intervals. So, it'll be 1/2 milers tonight. Probably 3 1/2 milers in a 4 mile run. (Or 4 in a 5?) We'll see who wants to do it during the pregame chat.
We have some new people interested in joining in TRY in the next couple weeks. Please help me make them feel welcome. I'd like to remind the regulars that when you miss a night because the weather isn't ideal, or because it's inconvenient for you, or because you don't feel like running...that it isn't just you that misses out. It could be that night that someone new checks us out. And doesn't have anyone their pace to run with. Or that there is one less smile to welcome them. One less kindred spirit with the same running goals. So, if you enjoy the group camaraderie, remember that you are a big part of that. And that without you, this group is just a weird guy writing rambling blog entries. And that would make for a lonely luchador.

1 comment:
Tonight can't be Canadian goose night. There is no such thing. They are Canada geese. I'll see you tonight.
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