
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So You Say Its Your Birthday?!!!

What is up with all the mid-September TRY birthdays? (I hesitate to do this, since I don't call out everyone's birthdays...but there are way too many to ignore this week.)

The birthdays that I know of:
Sunday - Kim (Hey, she showed up a time or two last year! She still counts as a TRYer.)
Monday - Brian and Malinda
Today - Lori (and my nephew Cory)
Tomorrow - Jen

Happy Birthday everybody! (And to the non-birthday people -- give your favorite birthday TRYer a birthday hug.)

So, I was thinking about the odds of 5 birthdays from a small group (20-something) falling within four calendar days. Seemed small until I thought about what happens "9 months" before mid-September. So a little research found that the human gestation period is 266 days from actual conception. And September 15th is 258 days from New Years and 265 days from Christmas.

I think we have our answer! Your parents were all feeling "romantic" around the holidays and as a result you came into the world in mid-September. romance...something about those Christmas lights! :-)

Congratulations for all the half-marathon finishers this weekend (in Syracuse and Rochester). Brian, Terry, Ally, Lindsay, Aaron, Kelly, Jen, and Jacque (her first!).

Tonight -- I don't know. 4-5 miles with 1/2 mile intervals I suppose? People will be hurting from their races/long do whatever suits your needs.

After -- rollerblading anyone? The women rollerblading afterward a couple weeks ago reminded me that I haven't used mine all year. So, I've dug them out and put them in the car...figure it can help me get a better workout in while taking it easy on my kickball ravaged leg. So, plan on rollerblading some on the nice days in the next few weeks.

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