1) Intervals - 400m (1/4 mi)
- 1 mi warm-up
- 400m on (i.e., pretty much as fast as you can go for 1/4 mi without passing out/throwing up, keeping in mind that you'll have to do this again several times)
- 400m recovery
- repeat on/off cycle 3-4 times, depending on what you feel up to
- 1/2 - 1 mi cool-down
Doing the math, this will result in anywhere from 3.5 - 4.5 mi, depending on how many interval cycles you do, and how long you cool-down.
2) Easy run - 2-4 mi
- Just what it sounds like...run at a relatively comfortable pace for 2 - 4 mi
As usual, the run will start promptly at 5:30, at the playground end of Onondaga Lake Park, so plan on arriving at 5:15-5:20. Based on some emails I've seen, I believe we have some new people joining us tomorrow. So let's have a good turnout and make them feel welcome and comfortable.
One last thing to note: I believe our esteemed and fearless leader will have returned from San Diego by next Tuesday (someone correct if I'm wrong). So, this may be my last post. Thank you all for the opportunity to attempt to keep everyone running. We can now expect Terry to return to his musings, and I know at least Ally will be happy...the return of weekly polls.
See you all Tuesday!
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