Is it really time for the Great New York State Fair? Hard to believe. Oh well, that'll teach me to sleep through the summer.
We continue to follow the TRY August Schedule. So that puts us back at our normal place and time for this week. Unfortunately, its time again for 1/2 mile intervals (my least favorite of the three I have you do):
The group run will be a 3.5 mile run with 1/2 mile intervals:
1/2 warmup,
1/2 on,
1/2 recover,
1/2 on,
1/2 recover,
1/2 on,
1/2 cooldown.
Not everyone has been embracing the speedwork, but I continue to encourage you to do so. If you push while doing it, it will make you faster in the long run (punny, aren't I?) and studies show that interval running is much better at helping you lose weight than long, slow distance is. Tonight you know that you only have 1.5 miles of "fast" portions -- so make it hurt. The two miles of warmup, cooldown and recovery are work the part the matters.
Miscellaneous topics:
1) Syrup -- someone who got the same vintage syrup as most of you said they noticed some mold on their container. That is perfectly normal although unfortunate. There are no preservatives used in pure maple syrup and since I was transporting them in the middle of the summer, they were susceptible. So, if anyone finds mold on their syrup, you have a couple choices. A) Give it back to me or just let me know that you want it replaced. B) Skim it off and then heat up the syrup and then skim the top again. And it will be as good as new. Truly.
Sorry if anyone else has had that problem. :-(
2) I believe TRYers were well represented at some local races this weekend. Two at the Willow Bay Run for Women and three at the Upstate Chiropractic run at Beaver Lake? Keep up the good work peops -- and remember that not ever run and not every race is going to be ideal. Some days you just don't have it, so don't beat yourself up if you don't do as well as expected. Try to figure out what might have gone wrong, but sometimes its just a coincidence. Even Michael Phelps isn't perfect! (Ok, bad example....but you get the point.) You aren't always going to be at your peak.
3) I have added a list to the side of the blog, for TRY members who have their own blogs that they would liked linked to. So, if you would like to join Annette in her kitchen, let me know. Ally, maybe you could make a bedroom blog? Kristen, maybe you could make a blog about Lily? Ron, maybe you could make a pianist blog? Etc... Share your talents please. It will allow us to get to know other TRYers better.
4) This is completely unrelated to anyone but me, but it isn't often that I see my hometown (or in this case the neighboring "city") in the national news. I stumbled across this story on Yahoo most popular the other day. Its a story about how the 200 windmills that have been built on the Tug Hill Plateau near Lowville, NY have not been without controversy. It was a very interesting read for me since I drive by them a lot when visiting my family. Link.
"You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement."
- Steve Prefontaine
(A very famous US runner...he died early in a disputed car "accident". When you see people wearing "Pre" stuff...that is a tribute to him.)
Almond coconut “crack”aroons
10 years ago
I can't help but be offended by this entry.
So...TRY needs to lose weight, you attempted to poison several people in the group with syrup and our races were a big disappointment? Nice. I'm giving you the I TRY harder to alienate my members award. And just for that, I'm so not sharing my talents now.
Not to change tunes here, but on another note (hehe, hehe - I kill me) does anyone else get the Don Quixote song stuck in their head whenever they hear anything about a windmill?
I guess I had better respond to
Ally's comment:
Keep in mind that I'm privy to some things that the general population in TRY is not:
1) I have had a couple people comment to me that they would like to lose weight. (Who doesn't?) My response typically is that running is not actually a good weight loss technique. Especially distance running -- distance running ends up teaching your body to optimize its muscle use and to actually burn less calories -- so sometimes distance running makes people gain weight! So, for those members out there that are interested in losing weight with their running, interval running is a much bigger help with that then distance runs are. In no way was I singling out any specific people with this one.
2) I know for a fact that one person was highly disapointed with their race time this weekend (unnecessarily so -- I thought their time was right about where it should be). So, the comment about shaking off a less than ideal race/training run was made with that person in mind but was written in general to remind the beginners that you don't always get what you want. You aren't always going to be at your best. Elite athletes plan their whole year around a race or two so that they can peak at just the right time. For people like us that just sign up for random races throughout the year, you are going to have some good ones and some bad ones. It happens. Don't carry it over into the next week. I would think that most people would be highly pleased with their times this weekend -- I know I was impressed by almost all of them. You guys/gals are all making great strides with your race times. It's impressive to see and I hope you are all proud of your efforts! I know that I am proud of you and the gains you are making.
3) Mold isn't poison. In fact, its a form of free penicillin.
So Ally, I'm looking forward to your blog entry because I think you must have got up on the wrong side of your bed yesterday? You took my generic comments to heart when they weren't intended that way at all.
Actually, I was kinda joking there Terry. It was supposed to be a tongue in cheek response. Next time I'll be sure to throw a couple j/ks in there to be more clear. Seriously, did you not think my comment was at all amusing?
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