Let's see. I suppose I should mention that last week set a record for TRY attendance. Impressive! Thanks for everyone who was able to attend. :-)
Tomorrow a few TRYers are taking time off from their normal lives and helping out for a day with Habitat for Humanity. I appreciate your generosity with your time! Just watch out for Brian. He's been known to fall off of roofs. Seriously.
At TRY, the main group will do some form of speedwork again. Keep putting in the work! For those of you just getting into speedwork - it's not always going to go smoothly. It's definitely not going to be fun. But if you aren't getting tired out and aren't running out of energy, then you aren't trying hard enough. You don't know your limit until you reach it. So, keep digging down. Keep pushing your limits. It will pay dividends in all manner of your running later this summer.
The fun stuff this week:
1) For those of you clamoring for TRY apparel. There is now a link on the right hand side of the blog, and provided here. TRY has it's own t-shirt (and panty) shop! (You're welcome ladies!) trytees.spreadshirt.com Now, admittedly I had little to no idea what I was doing, so I just threw some designs together quickly. I picked a few different shirt types and a few different colors (which you can customize further). For those of you who seriously want shirts (or panties) with TRY or the TRY logo on them, take a look at what is there and give me feedback on what type of shirt, what type of text, and whatnot that you'd like. I can quickly make the design and put it out there for you to order from. I think you can also do self-customization. So, you can do that without me helping...but if you do, please let me know and I'll go back in and add that design to our shop. I am going to order a couple choices soon, just to see how they turn out. So, if you want to see something before you trust it, let me know and I can show them off once I get them.
2) I want to invent a word. Well, it's already invented but has an incorrect meaning on urban-dictionary. So, I want to rebrand a word. And that word? Hawkward.
It's new meaning:
Something that is simultaneously hot and awkward. Why spend the time saying "I find this situation is both hot and awkward?" When you could just say "This is hawkward." Or better yet, just pause and say "Hawkward!"
Examples from my own (and I'm sure everyone else's life) where the word could have been used if it had been invented:
When you are physically hot and awkward -
[At the Mountain Goat post race party]
Person 1: "That race kicked my butt again this year. I don't feel well. I can barely walk straight."
Me: "Yeah, I'm feeling hawkard too!"
When something is hot (in a sexual way) while being awkward too
[Me and my sister are making out with each other]
Sister: "OMG. You are a really good kisser!"
Me: "You are too, sis! Wow! This is hawkward!!!! LOL!"
Sister: "Def. What time is mom coming home?"
Me: "Not for another half hour."
[We resume making out.]
More generally, when something is "hot" (as in very good) but undoubtedly awkward.
[A red-tailed hawk is perched in a tree along the thru-way. An opposum get's absolutely t-boned while attempting to cross the highway.]
Hawk [to itself]: "Welcome to ouchtown bro! Wait a minute! That is Orestes Opposum! He was a good friend of mine. We played cards every Tuesday night. :-("
Hawk [continues thinking]: "But, my hawklets are eating me out of nest and tree right now. They could really use some fresh meat or they are going to be malnourished."
Hawk [realizing what has to be done]: "This is hawkward!"
[Swoops up Orestes (the parts of him anyway) for some take-home dinner.]
I think we can all relate to a couple of those scenarios. So, please help me make "hawkward" an everyday word. Thank you!
Wait? You've never made out with a sibling? None of you have? ... HAWKWARD!!!!
1 comment:
I can't decide between the hip huggers or the string bikini so can you show yours off when you get them or would that be too hawkward?
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