
Monday, April 27, 2015

Hello and Goodbye

Kudos to the people bringing new people out to TRY. I have a couple people pending to come out, but at this point wonder if they will ever actually show up? I can only beg them so much before leaving it in their hands to decide for themselves. The group has morphed a lot over the years and would not exist at this point if newer people had not been brought in to replenish the ranks. The counter to that is that I'm always sad when someone who has been around and enjoyed the group has to leave us. The next departure is going to be Bobcat as she heads to a better job and a warmer climate. This week will be the last chance she has to come out to TRY, so please make it out if you can to give her a proper send off. As part of that, the after hours activity will take the group to The Village Burger for some family friendly dining and bad burger puns. Bobcat is on the hook to be there, so plan to join in if you can. (Hopefully a new person or two will be able to be there as well and continue to bond with the group. Bobcat's uniqueness may be impossible to replace? But we won't know until we try, right?! ;-)

My two favorite lines to use when someone is leaving may both from "Married With Children", from what I remember...
Peg is going away on a trip and asks if Al will miss her. Al shrugs and replies "I won't know until you leave?" Brutally honest and well worded! (Definitely from MWC as I can picture the scene.)

The second and my favorite one I cannot exactly picture so may be from somewhere else? In this case I would say "Bobcat. We'll be so miserable without you, that it'll almost be like you are still here!" A perfect backhanded compliment to use on any friend that is moving away! :-/

I have a couple "real" posts in my mind that I need to work on before they are ready to publish. So know that I haven't abandoned thinking about what to post to TRY. Look forward to a post on Topricin the possible wonder cream. Also another one on something about my experiences of getting my hands dirty and truly helping to organize a 5K event.

For the workout - you've been doing a good job of finding like minded runners for sharing workouts with. Keep that up. We have some Mountain Goat-ers on their final week before the race...perhaps taking it a bit easy? (Depends on long terms goals as well, of course) We have plenty of others still building up due to the late break in spring weather. Choose wisely and stay within your own limits. Your running goals cannot be achieved in a single workout, but sure can be derailed!

Also - a PSA that tickets can and will be given out on the Onondaga Lake Parkway as you are speeding from Liverpool towards Destiny mall. The speed limit changes later than instinct tells you and it is natural to be going faster than you should be as you accelerate out of the village. (If you do get a ticket, it helps to have a daddy that will bail you out and do the messy work for you... If you do not have a doting father, it is even more important to obey all traffic control devices!) Go fast in your intervals, but slow in the village speed zones.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Boston Anyone?

Terry hasn't had the time to put something clever on the blog, so you are stuck with another boring post.

Did anyone watch or follow the Boston Marathon today?  I spent some time this morning following the race.  The elite athletes are amazing.  The men's winner ran the last 5k in 14:40, and the women's winner ran the last 5k in 16:40.  The leg turnover is so is amazing and exciting to watch.  I don't think I could keep up with any of them for long.  I'm just glad to see another year safely completed!

Back to Syracuse...last week's turnout was great!  We had a big group and a new face (welcome to the group, Christin!).  It was great to see everyone come out and run what worked for them.  Some of us ran pickups, others ran hills, and yet another group did straight running.  We also celebrated Timmy's birthday after the workout.  Thanks for showing up with smiling faces and supporting each other :)

Tomorrow looks like it might clear up just in time for the run.  Currently, 5:30 looks to be rain free, a little windy, and mid 50s.  It is a decent forecast for April.

I have 1 hour on the agenda again with 3 x 6 min pickups.  For others who are ramping up the speed, I recommend 4 miles with 4 x 0.25 miles or hills for the Mountain Goat training gang.  If you are building distance, make sure to continue to push yourself, but do it safely.  The general rule is 10%...don't add more that 10% distance or speed in a week.  This will help keep you injury free!

If you have any questions on what to attempt, feel free to ask any of the more experienced members of the group.  Many members have been doing this for a long time and like to help.

--Kelly :)

Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring is Here!

As Terry posted over the weekend, spring has arrived in CNY!  Tomorrow's forecast is 60 degrees.  This is the perfect time to come out and get back into shape :)

For those of you who haven't been running, come out and get back into it with a couple miles.  If you have been slowly building, use this week to add some distance to your run.  If you feel tired, slow your pace a little so you can safely add that mileage.

For those who have been running and don't need a longer run, I recommend doing 2-4 quarter mile repeats over 4 miles.  I have 1 hour on the calendar if anyone wants to go a little further.  If my legs feel good, I will do 5 x 3 min pickups with 1 min rest.

As usual, please tailor your workout to your fitness at this time of the year.  You want to make sure to build slowly to avoid injury.  My workouts are a little more aggressive right now since we have been building for 9 months, and no one should feel that they need to be as crazy as me.  Always run what is right for you!

Don't forget to check out Terry's posts on Facebook about maple syrup, a couple of local races that he supports, and baseball opening day on Thursday.

--Kelly :)