The "summer that wasn't" is almost over and it's time for the Great New York State Fair and one of our silly TRY traditions. This blog entry explains that, another upcoming social night, plus even has something related to running in it. I promise!
But first - on what is looking to be a nice, but perhaps too hot for what we are used to, night for TRY, we'll meet up and pick our running plans and get another run night in the books.
Looking ahead - next Tuesday (the 26th) Jill has graciously offered up her deck and backyard to us for a post-run cookout. She is located just a couple turns away from the park in downtown Liverpool and wants any TRYer that would like to, to come on over and hang out for a while after next weeks run. She'll provide the grill-ables but asks for you to provide your own beverages - especially of the adult variety. (This will be held rain or shine and to get some idea of how many to expect, please let me know if you will probably be able to attend.) Thanks in advance, Jill!
TRY Night at the Fair - One of our random, having nothing to do with running, traditions is to get any willing TRYers to meet up at the fair on a night with a good free concert. Last year we all enjoyed (well, almost all enjoyed) listening to "Hey There Delilah" as we ate our ice cream or hot beef sundaes. This year, the night picked out is Thursday (the 21st) to go along with a free concert by the Barenaked Ladies. Get an advanced sale ticket while you still can, show up for the fair whenever you can and then use your cell phone to meet-up starting around 5 or 5:30. We usually get a little food, get a little drink, hope we are people watching people more than they are people watching us and then end up near enough to hear most of the free concert. Let me know if you plan to be there or especially if you need my phone number to help find the group once you arrive. It's random but lends itself to an entertaining evening.
Here is 2/3 of the group last year. The Shukkers cost money:
but the cob nibbling, photo bombing and twerking are free:
Before I give you some more information about "BNL", here is the part about running. Well, recovery. And finally a recovery or training plan that I can fully get behind:
"The Single Best Way to Recover..." is by sleeping more! Yes! Finally something I'm good at. Although this should mean that I am the most recovered athlete out there. Read the link for the details and decide for yourself.
Now a little more about Barenaked Ladies that I wanted to find out for myself so figured I should share as well:
Canadian Rock Band known for "One Week", "The Old Apartment", "Pinch Me", "If I Had $1000000", "Brian Wilson"; as well as the theme for the sitcom The Big Bang Theory. They are also known for their light-hearted, comedic performance style, and humorous banter between songs and improvised raps/songs are staples at nearly every concert.
They've been around since 1988 and one of the co-founders left in 2009. Sales of over 15 million records. Their name was a fictionalized band name that they came up with joking around but it is what they used from the start.
One week is their only US #1 and the only one that has come even close. Pinch Me is the next highest reaching 15. If I had a $1000000 never charted in the US and only made 13 in Canada. It shows that you can end up with several well known songs without being a chart topping band.
Would they be considered a one hit wonder? Doesn't seem like it but then again, we maybe heard about them a lot more around Syracuse because they were from "nearby" Ontario. (Basically they are from Toronto.)
Anyway, now I know a bit more about Barenaked Ladies and despite never loving their music, do think that it should make for a free concert that is well worth the price of the concert. ;-)