Well, hello. We here at TRY headquarters gave our publishing staff most of the holiday off yesterday. Now we are back to living our everyday extraordinary blessed life.
Tonight - same as always. 5:30 near the bike rental building at Onondaga Lake Park. Discuss a plan, find like minded runners and then head on our way.
Reminder: Some of you saw me drop off a pair of nice cans last week. Any week is a good week to drop off some cans or boxes for the food back. They have two collection boxes in the visitor center building (the one with the bathrooms connected to it).
This Friday night is the Liverpool Relay For Life night at Longbranch Park. Many of you have turned out for that in past years, so you know the drill. We are not doing anything special this year, just attending. So, drop on by for a while, bring a little cash to donate or to buy luminaries, and "celebrate life". Kids zone starts at 4PM, with opening ceremonies at 7PM. I'll be there (or back there) by 5:30ish and I know by then, music and food are already available. Drop me a text or call if you cannot find the group.
If you have the luck of the mouse on your side, this could even happen..."dreams do come true, it can happen to you":
Well, crap-on-a-cracker! I cannot find the picture of Berms with her winning raffle prize from last year - the "31" and "Scentsy" items that were crazy awesome and the "main" prize of the Lockheed Martin team sales. So, instead, let me run this mysterious silhouette of the lucky winner:
(Use your imagination on how happy she was receiving her SU 31 bag and all sorts of scented items.)
Since very few of us are participating this year, let's consider supporting one of the events most consistent fundraisers. Every year, Ron Zuccaro does anything and everything to raise some money for a cause he cares deeply about. You may have seen this on Facebook, but I have some additional info about Ron doing a "mini-piano concert" at Sparky Town. (Unfortunately, he is not playing on a tiny piano! The mini in this case means short duration.)
It is this Wednesday, from 7 - 7:30 at Sparky Town. There is no charge to get in, but while there you are encouraged to grab some food or drink. Plus, Ron will have a "tip jar" of some sort and all money given to him that night will go directly to his fundraising efforts for RFL. If you can not attend the mini concert or even Relay For Life itself and want to support it, please donate directly to Ron's fundraising page. Consider that as the TRY fundraising page for those of you who don't know Ron well but want to give to our team efforts.
The concert will be mostly instrumental, due to no sound system, but Ron withholds the right to sing in your ear if you get close enough to him. The cuter you are, the more likely for that to happen! (I have my fingers crossed.) He plans to be at Sparky Town from about 6:30 til 8 if you want to get some extra time with him. The place closes at 8, so no worries about getting carried away and staying out too late. Please consider coming out to support this unique event that puts the FUN in FUNdraising!
Looking at Sparky Town's website (linked above) makes it sound like they have some interesting food choices, including "organic aquaponic" which is a word I've never written before and one that this spellchecker does not even recognize. In their own words: "We're serving up fresh, local comfort food while catering to vegans, vegetarians and carnivores alike!"
(Which made me think that in a cannibalistic society that vegans would be labelled 100% organic, right? Right?! Chew on that one for a few minutes!)
Lastly, a paragraph on Paige's Butterfly Run and the centipede teams. Sometimes I get too close to the subject and get a bit stressed out attempting to make the perfect team or teams and forget the point. So, bear with me if I mess up or forget you or offend you. (Hopefully not.) If you are not part of the teams this year, be sure to make your interest known and perhaps next year can be our first 3 team year. But, not being on a centipede team does not mean you are left out of the fun. Come on out and run solo and hang out with us all morning. There are plenty of moments where we need a little extra help with our costumes anyway, so having extra people around makes it easier and more fun. I know Drew and Corey were both key assistants last year and Catherine has been a key assistant all 4 years we have done it. So, there are many ways that TRYers play a role in making awesome happen. Thank you all for the various roles you play! :-)
Almond coconut “crack”aroons
10 years ago