Today a bunch of TRY-ers participated in the Celiac 5k "cross country" race. It was warm day, but it was a nice change of pace to do a race off the roads. Aaron and Duerr finished close together, and Steve, Cynthia, and Berman followed in a nice pack. It looks like the work in the winter and early season has paid off! Terry, Catherine, and Katie were all there cheering and volunteering. I also participated and was pleasantly surprised to really enjoy the course. Great job everyone! I hope everyone else had fun, too :)
I happened to come across this article about speed training, and I think it has some great points. Speed work isn't about going all out or racing the other people out there. You should be able to maintain your pace through all your intervals, and you should always finish feeling tired but like you could do just one more. Take a look if you are interested.
As Terry said on the website, last week was an awesome turnout, and we hope to have a good number of people again this week. Everyone who is doing the Mountain Goat this weekend should be in their taper. Make sure to listen to your body and do what workout it good for you. If you are tired from a hard weekend or have some nagging aches and pains, it is a good week to go easy or take a few days off. The group will do quarters this week. The short bursts of speed will be great preparation for the race this weekend, but as usual, you should do what is best for you.
I saw this on a blog I read, and I had to share...
--Kelly :)
Almond coconut “crack”aroons
10 years ago